Monday, December 21, 2009


It looks like China thinks we'll do all right at this parenting thing. Today we got our pre-approval notice which is not unlike getting pre-approval on a mortgage. Assuming that our official dossier, once they receive it, matches the information we sent China in our Letter of Intent, China will let us adopt this young man.

Since we didn't lie in our dossier, that's good news for us!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yesterday morning we went downtown to our friendly local USCIS franchise to get our fingerprints taken. We did this 3 years ago, and presumably the fingerprints haven't changed a whole lot since then, but what the hey. All told, it was probably the quickest interaction I've ever had with our federal bureaucracy. We were in and out of there in 15 minutes. I totally made it to my 9:00 meeting at work. Applying for my library card took longer than that.

So that's another hurdle out of the way. Now we wait for the governments to agree that we're fit parents.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Paper Progress

And now back to the waiting part...

We got a letter that our I-800A had indeed been received, and then were summoned for our fingerprinting appointment next Friday (and I do mean summoned: if we decide not to show up or reschedule by *mail* (what century is this?), our entire application will be canceled). So we'll be there.

Jim finished our LOI and our agency has now sent it to China. LOI stands for Letter of Intent. Although our homestudy approved us for a number of medical needs, the LOI requires us to address how we plan to handle the needs of the specific child whose referral we have accepted. So we wrote about the excellent pediatric cardiology in Boston and lots of snuggles.

Our agency hopes to have pre-approval back from China soon (that letter means that as long as our homestudy backs up what we wrote in the LOI, we should be cleared to adopt that child). They want to send our pre-approval with our completed US governmental paperwork, so that everything will move quickly. I had no idea we could do these steps concurrently!

We've winnowed the field down to two American names for the little dragon, but we're still working on it.