Friday, December 29, 2006

Baby room update

Happy New Year, dear reader. We don't have any real news today, except to brag about our sweet new enormous dresser for the baby's room (show of hands: who is now officially sick of hearing people describe things as ginormous? The zeitgeist really spat that one in our faces this year, didn't it? In 2007, let's turn it around and start using egantic.)

There it is, to the right. We took advantage of a mad end-of-year clearance sale at Millstores, a really nice unfinished furniture store in Malden, MA. 40% off for a nice solid dresser. The knobs are sitting on top, but I'm not all that thrilled about the knobs that were included. We may look into some alternatives. I also have to sand down some of the sharp edges and stain and seal it. Not sure how dark a stain we should go for, if any. Any suggestions from the readership? The floor and wall are in the shot.

Other exciting baby room progress: we've ordered 100 square feet of foam tiles to cover the floor with for playing/crawling/falling down purposes. This weekend we're going rocker/glider shopping. I know certain parties are interested in seeing more room updates, so I'll keep posting them. Thanks to the rest of you for indulging us.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas, the child has hair!

Ronald's appearance in the hat throughout his first set of pictures had many of us wondering whether he was bald or sporting a mohawk underneath. We just got the pictures from his latest doctor's checkup, and he definitively does have hair. The doctor says he's doing great, and his (blurred) pictures show that he's pretty wiggly. The rest of the pictures are on our photo-sharing site; if you'd like to see them and don't have the link, email us.

We also got news that our acceptance documents are finished being uber-authenticated and are on their way to Guatemala (where they will likely sit on someone's desk until mid-January). Yay for hair!